Become a Business Coach…Affordably

Become a Business Coach…Affordably

Wondering how to become a business coach affordably? Maybe you're looking at high-ticket items like expensive training or even considering purchasing a business coaching franchise. But before you plunk down a pretty penny on your dream to become a business coach--here's some advice for doing it much more affordably. Ben Settle sent out an email...

How To Become A Business Coach? Get a Coaches’ Coach…

How To Become A Business Coach? Get a Coaches’ Coach…

How to become a business coach? I might be biased, but I think the answer is simple: get a coaches' coach. According to a recent study, for every $1 a company invests in business coaching they'll likely get $7.90 ROI. That's likely why 21-40% of Fortune 500 companies use business coaching to groom their top management. Companies using business...

10 Commandments of Client Service for Business Coaches

10 Commandments of Client Service for Business Coaches

Looking to become a successful business coach? You have to do more than speak the right words. You have to prove through your actions that you can be trusted--that you're worth the commitment you seek. One of the best ways to do that is by taking extra care to treat people right and delivering jaw-dropping customer service (both before AND after...

How to Keep Business Coaching Clients Longer

How to Keep Business Coaching Clients Longer

Whether you're in the process of becoming a business coach, or you've been in the business for a long time, one of the most important questions you can ask is how to keep business coaching clients longer. When it comes right down to it, business coaching clients will never leave you--AS LONG AS you're helping them make more money and improve...

Is Social Media a Waste of Time for Business Coaches?

Is Social Media a Waste of Time for Business Coaches?

Here's an important question if you're looking to become a business coach (or if you are one already): is social media waste of time for business coaches? I recently had a conversation with an experienced business coach who was “well-connected” on social media (her words). She had over 2,000 twitter followers, 400 Facebook friends, and 1,200...

Take a Big Chance and Start a Business Coaching Practice in 2017

Take a Big Chance and Start a Business Coaching Practice in 2017

Is it your New Year's resolution to start a business coaching practice in 2017? Are you wondering if you're ready to take a big chance? Here's a pep-talk for you. I caught a rerun of one of my favourite films this week: Rounders. If you haven't seen it, the film charts the rise, fall and rise of law school dropout and poker natural, Mike...

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