Whenever I’m providing business coach training, I get this question a lot: what’s the single most important thing you’ve ever done to grow your coaching business?
I don’t even have to think about my response. The answer is easy.
Putting my business online in the form of our Coaches’ Coach membership site.
Why Having a Membership Site Is So Important for Business Coaches
These days, almost everything has gone digital. People want to access information on their computers, tablets, smartphones. They expect instant, on-demand answers to their most pressing questions—any time of day or night.
So if you’re not there the instant they need you, they’ll go with whoever is.
At the Coaches’ Coach, we’ve found that having a membership site allows clients and prospects to access valuable content 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It builds loyalty, creates massive value, and even supplies our business with a steady stream of hot, ready-to-buy prospects.
Not only that, it’s revolutionized the way I coach.
After all: clients DON’T get results from information. They get results from applying information correctly. When I moved all my coaching online with the Coaches’ Coach membership site, I was able to direct clients to a video training for each specific strategy. Then, instead of using the coaching session to teach the strategy, I helped them apply the strategy to ensure they were getting results.
Once I did this, my clients’ results increased by more than 50%…and best of all, my attrition rate dropped by 70%. I went from an average client relationship that lasted 11 months to 18 months or more.
Attend a Business Coach Training on Building a Membership Site Fast and Affordably
Getting the Coaches’ Coach online was a huge investment that took three years and tens of thousands of dollars to get off the ground. And it was worth every penny.
But what if YOU could do something similar—in less than 30 days and almost no out of pocket expense?
Enter my friend and colleague, Adrian Ulsh. Adrian’s been around the business coaching industry for 15 years—and he’s taught 1000’s of coaches how to leverage the power of the internet for exponential lead generation, conversion, retention, and passive revenue.
I had the chance to chat with Adrian the other day. He shared some exciting new developments in the way he’s helping coaches use technology to build six-figure practices—with strategies that can be deployed FAST and affordably.
I was thrilled by what I heard. I asked Adrian if he’d be willing to do a webinar for our members and followers, and he graciously agreed. So we’ve scheduled it for Tuesday, March 22nd at 10:00 AM Pacific Time.
I don’t say this often, but this is a total game changer. If you invest your time in ONE business coach training this year, let this be it.
Register NOW. Thank me later.