In the month of July I landed my first business coaching client, a pizzeria owner with a total of 17 stores. I met with the business owner face to face and in the second meeting, the “Complementary Coaching Session,” I walked away with an agreement for $2,000 per month. So far, I’ve received $6,000 in coaching fees from this client.
During one of our calls, Eric Dombach coached me on how to correct the fact that I had begun to do too much “consulting” (doing the work for the client) and I wasn’t charging enough for what I’m doing. So I went back to my client and he agreed to invest in a higher value coaching program. He realizes that the current economic climate requires him to be more aggressive. Next month I will begin billing this client at $2,750 per month for 1 hour per week of coaching. Thanks for pushing me, coach!
Bob L., Business Coach, USA