- Co-Founder and Managing Director of Kando Business Coaching…
www.kandobusinesscoaching.com - Maintains a personal run rate of more than £180,000 per year in business coaching turnover. Employs 3 associate business coaches…
- Has coached over 83 SME’s generating testimonials like these: www.kandobusinesscoaching.com/testimonials.html
- Former Chartered Accountant…
- Accredited EMDA Suppliers Quality Assured Service Provider…
- Author of numerous books and audio programmes for owners of SME’s…
- Student of psychology and Master NLP practitioner…
- Husband of Fiona, father of 1 child, voracious reader, photographer…
“Thanks to the coaching of Rudi Jansen at Kando Business Coaching, we are in month 9 of this year and the financials show that sales have increased by a very real 350% so far already!” – Clare