Conversion Rate Increased by 150%, Clients Increased by 300% Within Six Months!

by | Oct 5, 2013 | Results

I initially struggled to maintain my income from my business coaching practice. My business coaching system and processes for gaining and retaining clients were mediocre at best. I could easily deliver the coaching content but a sales management system was missing. I tried many of the usual books and processes but my business was just scraping by. I was introduced to Eric Dombach at My Coaches Coach. After my complimentary call with I could see that Eric Dombach could be the solution to my sticking point. I spoke to a couple of his current clients and following their great testimonials I signed up to the programme. What a difference this has made! My income growth has amazed me. The systems, templates etc that are provided along with the weekly coaching sessions have leap frogged me over my competitors. My retention of clients is now an average of 18months and the spend per client is not more than double what it was six months ago. Eric Dombach has helped me access other resources, such as telesales etc., to become more automated in my delivery and to deliver more than just time to my clients, it is now a complete programme! The 17 P’s process has provided better qualified prospects, to leads to complimentary coaching sessions to new clients. My conversion rate has increased by 150%! My client numbers have increased by 300%! All within six months! Every coach needs a Great Coach! I certainly recommend taking a look at the MyCoachesCoach website and book a call with Eric Dombach. Let me know how you get on.

Simon Meadows, Business Coach, England

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