Why Business Coaches Should Never Cold Call

by | Mar 3, 2017 | Business Coaching Tools

Do you hate cold calling? You’re not the only one. In fact, I’m of the opinion that business coaches should never “cold call.” They should “warm call” instead — calling on those who have already expressed an interest.

The other day, I stumbled across this tidbit in Bob Bly’s Direct Response Letter (Bob is a friend and vendor and one of the best copywriters in the business):

In a recent issue of the e-zine Yesware Monthly, the lead article was “25 Cold Calling Tips You Need to Succeed.” I rewrote it to have just one tip, and here it is: “If you are prospecting to sell your own services, don’t make your own cold calls.”

If someone ELSE makes the call for you … well, then it can work. Even then, though, I am not a fan of cold calling. And here’s why: Prospects want to hire vendors they perceive as being busy and successful, not desperate and needy. The late Howard Shenson called this “the Busy Doctor Syndrome.”

If you are spending your time on the phone calling up strangers and asking for work, does that convey the impression that you are busy, successful, and in-demand — or desperate and needy?

I couldn’t agree more.

10 Things You Should Do Before Cold Calling

  1. Host a free workshop through your Chamber of Commerce
  2. Send an email offer
  3. Write a blog post (as part of a consistent, ongoing digital strategy)
  4. Ask a client for a referral
  5. Make warm calls to past clients and prospects
  6. Do “bold walking”–where you actually, physically, drop into a business
  7. Send a targeted direct mail piece
  8. Ask to be introduced to a prospect through a mutual connection
  9. Host a webinar
  10. Run a paid social media ad campaign

How to Use the Phone without Cold Calling

If you’re still struggling to build a pipeline of warm, qualified leads, the telephone CAN be an effective tool–but just like Bob says above, business coaches should never cold call themselves. Instead, use a service. We recommend Connect and Sell, a fantastic service that uses an auto-dialer and live, professional pre-screeners to ensure that you ONLY get connected with business owners who are genuinely interested in talking to you. Every call that gets transferred to you is a business owner who’s said YES–they’d like to talk to you and learn more! It’s a fantastic way to leverage your time.

Looking for more great lead generation strategies? We have a whole module on it in the Coaches’ Coach Business Coaching System–and YOU can get a FREE 30-day trial. Check it out!

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