Does Direct Mail for Business Coaches Still Work?

by | May 1, 2018 | Business Coaching Tools

Does direct mail for business coaches still work, or is it an old, outdated way of generating leads?

In a world where everyone’s inbox is inundated with an endless stream of solicitations, direct mail can be a wonderful lead-generation and lead-warming weapon in your arsenal if you do it right.

Here are five powerful ways you can use direct mail as a business coach…

1. “Bond” with prospects and contacts. Send letters, cards, and packages in the mail with messages that drive home the benefits of working with you. Ask them to call you for a FREE consultation…or tell them you’ll call them at a certain time–and then do so!

2. Drive traffic to your website. Use a postcard campaign to drive traffic to a free, industry-specific white paper, ebook, or video course on a squeeze page.

3. Invite prospects to a special event. Host a half-day workshop or a lunch ‘n’ learn and use direct mail to invite prospects to come.

4. Make special offers. Use the mail when you want to offer a client a special, one-time only promotion or make a limited-time offer.

5. Warm your database. Use a combination of online and offline media to make consistent, ongoing contact with your database. It will pay off in spades down the line. In fact, when I built my first firm over a four-year period, I worked the same database over and over. It got warmer and warmer, and eventually yielded hundreds of business coaching clients!

Direct mail is more expensive than digital marketing, but when used properly, it can be tremendously effective. Don’t neglect it as part of your regular marketing mix.

Direct mail is more expensive than digital marketing, but when used properly, it can be tremendously effective. Don't neglect it as part of your regular marketing mix.

Looking for more great business coaching lead-generation strategies? Get a FREE 30-day trial of our comprehensive business coaching system.

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