Marketing over the holidays is never easy, particularly in business coaching.
I was thinking recently about my first few holiday seasons as a business coach, remembering how difficult it was to attract and retain coaching clients through all the hustle and bustle. In the years since then, I’ve learned how to make the holiday months highly profitable!
So, over the next few weeks, I’ll share with you some of the lessons I’ve learned on how to make marketing over the holidays more profitable and less painful!
I’ll be revealing some simple ways to add and retain coaching clients during what is historically a “slow” period of time for many business coaches and the most frustrating time for business coach marketing.
And here’s the first:
Position yourself properly and respect your contracts.
Remember, you’re a coach, not a consultant. Consultants get paid for time or deliverables. Coaches get paid a set amount each month based on VALUE PROVIDED–not the number of times you meet in a month or the amount of time you invest in their business.
Billing based on time and/or deliverables is “industrial age” thinking. Information-age thinking means that whether it takes you five minutes or five hours to come up with a nugget of wisdom that changes a client’s business, you deserve to be paid the same!
When you position yourself properly, your clients understand that principle and respect it (and pay you all the more because of it).
Still, every once in a while you’ll get a client who tries to squirm out of his or her coaching agreement over the holiday months because you’ll be “meeting less,” even though your agreement specifies otherwise. (By the way, if your agreement doesn’t have at least a 30-day cancellation proviso, as well as some additional protections to prevent this sort of thing from happening, add them now! If you’re not sure how to do that, try the FREE 30 Day Trial of our system and have a look at our sales agreements.)
Not getting paid for a month is simply NOT an option unless you let it be. Don’t give in. If you don’t respect the integrity of your agreements, how can you expect anyone else to? Take yourself seriously. When you do, it will translate to success in all other areas of your business.
If you don't respect the integrity of your agreements, how can you expect anyone else to? Take yourself seriously. When you do, it will translate to success in all other areas of your business.
Next time, I’ll teach you how to avoid this problem from even arising in the first place–by adding extra value around the holidays (with LESS time commitment)! Until then, if you haven’t checked out a FREE 30-day trial of our system, why don’t you do so now? Treat yourself to a little holiday gift…including a complimentary coaching session on us!