My Top Productivity Hack for Business Coaching Success

by | Jan 1, 2021 | Business Coaching Tools

Happy New Year! If you have a resolution to accomplish more than ever before in 2021, I’d like to share with you my number one productivity hack.

It’s the simple “default calendar” I’ve used for years, and have shared with hundreds of my business coach clients.

Here’s how it works.

Split your day into three basic blocks of time: morning, lunch, and afternoon (plus, the bonus time: evenings and weekends).

Each block has a specific objective that allows you to focus, build momentum, and stay productive.

After many years in this business, I know the right mix of activities and the best way to plan my day and allocate my time to build a healthy business.

As you’re planning for success this year, try adapting this default schedule as your own.

Mornings Are for Sales

Each morning, review your Vision Book and Affirmations. You can learn about the power of the Vision Book HERE and get a Vision Book template HERE.

After that, catch up on emails and administrative tasks that would serve to distract you if left incomplete.

Then, sharply at 8 a.m., begin your call block and continue until noon.

The single biggest key to success in your Business Coaching Practice is as follows: Don’t end your daily call block each morning UNTIL you’ve booked at least one Complimentary Coaching Session!

The single biggest key to success in your Business Coaching Practice is as follows: Don’t end your daily call block each morning UNTIL you’ve booked one Complimentary Coaching Session!

During your call block, focus on calls to the following groups in order of priority:

  • Your newest, warmest leads.
  • Unconverted leads from past Complimentary Coaching Sessions or seminars.
  • Prospective referral partners from your personal network.
  • Prospective strategic partners.
  • Past clients that have left your coaching program but could be re-engaged.
  • Cold leads from your marketing list.

Lunch is for Partners

Lunchtime can be productive and fun if you take some time to mix business and pleasure.

Over the lunch hour (in person, when possible—at least, in non-pandemic times!), meet with prospective personal network referral partners and strategic partners.

Find ways to work with your contacts: cross-promotions, revenue shares, referral rewards, and more. You’ll be surprised at the creative partnerships you can dream up!

Afternoons Are for Coaching

Use afternoons to conduct your Complimentary Coaching Sessions and to coach the clients you’ve landed.

I find coaching the most energizing, so this gives me a chance to refresh and renew myself after a long day. It always helps to sign off on a high note!

Be sure to end each day by reviewing your affirmations and your vision book again.

Evenings and Weekends Are for Rest and Recreation

Once you’ve put in a productive day, set your work aside. You need recovery time—time to breathe, time to hang out with family and friends, time to pursue hobbies and recreational activities, time to fill your cup with what brings you joy.

Rest and recreation are just as important as work. Give yourself sabbath.

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