Coach Acquires 1st Two Business Coaching Clients Within First 90 Days
I have acquired my first and second client within 1 week during October. My first client is a member of a BNI group that I joined and is a young couple with a HVAC business. They started their...
First 2 Business Coaching Clients Signed, Including a CPA Firm
I just got the check! It’s a total of $2,625, which is $1,750 for the first month of coaching plus $875 for the Strategic Planning process. I met this principal of a local CPA firm at my BNI meeting...
3 New Business Coaching Clients So Far In The New Year!
I got my first new client in the New Year! We met at an Entrepreneur’s and Inventors Network group. She is a successful chiropractor with two offices and five staff members who wants to solidify the...
New Business Coaching Client Signed By Working Collaborating With Existing Consultant
I signed up a new client last Friday for a coaching program and strategic plan. He wrote me a check for $4,500 when he signed the agreement. The client was a referral from one of my networking...
Business Coaching Client Signs For $2,250 Per Month After Saying “No!”
I signed a new client last week! So, that’s $2,250 for the first month of coaching and an additional $2,250 for strategic plan. The client is a $5 million market research firm and the owner is a...
From £3,500/month to £7,000/month In Just 4 Months!
“I’ve been a business coach for 3 to 4 years. I was doing okay, but instead of retaining my new clients, I was losing them. So I turned to Eric Dombach at Coaches' Coach. After just 4 months of...