Social Media 101, Video 7: Getting It Done — Business Coach Training

Social Media 101, Video 7: Getting It Done — Business Coach Training

Good morning, team! Here’s Video 7 of our business coach training series on Social Media Marketing by Certified Coaches’ Coach Simon Meadows. Simon banks more than $20,000 USD per month and generates 78% of his leads from social media. In this seven-part business coach training series, Simon shows you exactly how he has developed his LinkedIn and Facebook accounts into his primary lead-generation strategy costing him just $350 per month and 3 hours per week.

In Video 7, Simon shows you how to schedule 30 minutes each day for social media over the next 60 days, fill in your upcoming events on a wall calendar, and decide whether to DIY or outsource. You can’t afford to skip this training!

Remember, you can watch the entire 7-part course right now if you’re already a member of Coaches’ Coach — just log into our members only site from our home page. If you’re not a member yet, just enroll in a FREE 30 Day Trial of the Coaches’ Coach members only site. You’ll get access to our complete business coaching system, including customizable marketing campaigns, sales scripts, client training materials, business optimization modules, and more. Get your FREE 30-day trial here.

One of our members recently closed $1,500 in recurring monthly revenue after just 3 days with our system…think what that could mean for YOUR business!

Become a Business Coach Quickly: Niche Yourself

Become a Business Coach Quickly: Niche Yourself

One of the first questions faced by those learning how to become a business coach is: “who am I going to serve?”

If you’re looking for high billable hourly rates and a huge impact as a business coach, niche yourself! It’s one of the fastest ways to increase your visibility and get more clients.

When compared to being a “generalist” business coach, one who will coach any business owner, there are some pretty compelling reasons to consider niching:

  1. Improved response to your marketing. Specificity is one of the most powerful marketing concepts on the planet. The more you can address the precise needs, problems, and frustrations of your prospects, the more compelling your message will be. Niching allows you to speak directly to a given market segment, using their language and terminology…which will improve your marketing results.
  2. Increased credibility. Almost nothing is as powerful as telling a prospective client, “I have worked with several businesses just like yours and have created these specific results.” It makes your prospect feel as though you truly are an expert who can help them in their individual circumstance.
  3. Better access to databases. As opposed to generalized marketing databases, niching allows you to get clean, targeted lists to deliver your targeted message–and that will improve response, too.
  4. More visibility. Niching gives you the opportunity to become a “micro-celebrity” in your market segment while it takes a lot more to become as visible in the general marketplace.
  5. Better opportunities. When you are well-known in a niche, suddenly niche-specific opportunities open up–such as speaking gigs and writing assignments for associations and newsletters.

How to Choose a Niche as You Become a Business Coach

If you’re just now becoming a business coach and aren’t sure which niche to pursue, here’s my advice:

If you come from a specific business background–say you have experience as an executive in the IT or engineering sector–then start there. If not, and you’re not sure where to begin, then pursue the generalist route for a while. Experiment with clients in a few different sectors. Find out which clients you tend to have the easiest time getting results with, or which industries you enjoy more or feel particularly connected to. You can usually figure out which niche to pursue based on where you find the greatest success in your first round of clients.

Once you’ve found your first niche, keep looking for additional niches to add. I recommend keeping a balance of about 75% niche coaching engagements vs. 25% coaching engagements in “new-to-you” industries to expand your horizons and improve your coaching skills.

And for more great strategies for becoming a business coach, download our FREE ebook, How to Become a Business Coach today!

Business Coaching Question: How Do I Make Myself Instantly Credible?

Business Coaching Question: How Do I Make Myself Instantly Credible?

A common business coaching question I hear is: “How do I make myself instantly credible?” 

After all, if you’ve been in the business coaching game for more than two minutes, you’ve probably heard this objection a time or two, “Uhhh, no thanks, we’re doing just fine!”

What this objection is really saying is that the prospect doesn’t believe that there’s anything you can provide them to help them get better results in their business. Over the years, I’ve learned to reply, “So, if I can ask, are you already making tons of money and spending almost no time in the business because your team is running it for you?”

Needless to say, that usually stops them in their tracks. (Quick side note: you can get more FREE business coaching objection busters here.)

And then, 9 times out of 10, they’ll come back with: “Okay, so tell me about how you’re such an amazing business coach. What can you possibly teach me about running my business?”

At that point, it’s best to be armed with three or four jaw-dropping, mind-blowing facts from my sizzling hot business coaching bio. The goal, of course, is to make the prospect to say: “Woooah, Nelly! I better listen to what this person has to say!”

And does it work?

You bet!

(NOTE: you can do this yourself–or better yet, hire a salesperson do it for you! When someone else sings your praises it’s always more impressive.)

Remember, as a Professional Business Coach, the Product You’re Selling…Is YOU!

Think of it this way: if you were getting brain surgery and your very life depended upon the ability of a particular surgeon to execute the procedure flawlessly, how much would you want to know about the surgeon’s background, credentials, education, level of experience? How about past employment history, past patients, and rate of success? Would you even want to know about family and spiritual convictions?

Yeah, exactly. You’d want to know EVERYTHING you possibly could. That’s because people buy the steak, but they want to hear it sizzle.

I was recently talking to a business coach with massive professional credibility–but not a single client! He’d successfully run several business units over $200 million in sales with 100+ employees and was a master of all the business disciplines with strong educational credentials and a good family life to boot!

Yet, amazingly, these credibility-pumping details were conspicuously absent from his bio. I was stunned. I told him to completely overhaul his business coaching bio, paying particular attention to the following points…

  1. Include 1 to 2 sentence descriptions of each of the major periods in his career, featuring the #1 accomplishment or high point from each period…
  2. Use specific facts, including percentage increases in revenue, profitability, client census, etc…
  3. List significant educational achievements, professional recognitions, and awards…
  4. Finally, mention just a few things about his personal life that demonstrates successful stewardship of all areas of life, not just business.

Thankfully, just a few days later, a dramatically improved business coaching bio showed up in my in-box–and his marketing results quickly improved.

So the answer to this important business coaching question about credibility? Create a sizzling hot bio that is instantly impressive and helps prospects understand at a glance why YOU’RE the one to help them take their business to the next level.

To create your own sizzling hot bio, download our FREE template–no opt-in required. Enjoy!

Business Coaching Tips: The #1 Trait of Broke Coaches

Business Coaching Tips: The #1 Trait of Broke Coaches

I often receive emails from subscribers looking for business coaching tips to help them grow their practices. Not too long ago, I got one such email that really got me thinking. It came from a fairly successful business coach, banking more than $150k per year–but even still, he was struggling to keep his head above water. 

It occurred to me that coaches of all levels often struggle with the issue he raised–what I like to think of as the #1 most common trait of broke or nearly broke business coaches.

Could this email have been written by you…?

“I’m already successful as a business coach by most standards but I’m still operating at my personal ‘break even’ every month and therefore not gaining much by way of wealth creation for myself. My problem is not that I don’t know how to do what I need to do, it’s that I just don’t drive myself to do it. I think this is a tricky problem and I want to know if you’ve successfully helped someone else through this. If you have, can I speak briefly to them?”

Sound familiar?

The good news is, YES, I have successfully helped many coaches through this. In fact, I’ve coached and trained over 1500 professional business coaches on 4 continents over the last 15 years, so I’ve been able to observe some trends.

The first step is to identify the challenge:

You’re Trapped by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

I know, I know, I’m a business coach, not a physicist. But science and the natural world can tell us a lot about human behavior. And here’s one that applies to all of us: the 2nd law of thermodynamics says, in essence, that bodies tend toward decay, dissipation, and deterioration unless an outside force, a third party, acts upon it.

Let’s bring this closer to home. If you’re constantly broke or nearly-broke as business coach, here’s what that might look like:

  • You work at home and you work alone…
  • You don’t have to work unless you are forced do so by someone or something…
  • So, you only generate enough leads to get by…
  • And you only set and conduct enough Complimentary Coaching Sessions to get by…
  • And so you only land enough clients to get by…
  • Therefore, you bank just enough revenue to get by…
  • You simply don’t put in the additional energy that you’re truly capable of.

Sure, you’ve got a vision for wealth and abundance, but you don’t push yourself. You like your comfort today more than the prospect of having your dreams tomorrow. SO, you make “small” decisions today that lead to “big” consequences tomorrow.

Business Coaching Tips to Break the Cycle

Do you really think you can be a GREAT business coach without having a coach yourself?

The kinds of results that you get for your clients by holding them accountable, keeping them positive in the face of adversity, providing them with actionable strategies that really work are exactly the kinds of results YOU can get with your own coaches’ coach. 

After all, if you don’t have a coach pushing you, then the only outside force acting upon you is the fear of loss. You’ll finally go and land that new client when you don’t have enough money.

But if you hire a good coaches’ coach, your coach will act upon you and drive you to a higher level of achievement by keeping you focused on your vision and goals. This is much more effective than a focus on your fear of loss ever will ever be.

Here’s the question. If you’re a business coach but have no coach of your own, is there any wonder that you’re not where you want and should be in your business?

At the Coaches’ Coach, you get 30 free days of one-on-one coaching when you start a 30 day trial of our comprehensive business coaching system. But here’s the bottom line: whether you work with a certified Coaches’ Coach through our company or find a coach on your own, if you want to be a high-performing coach, you have to get a high-performing coach.  Period.


Social Media 101, Video 7: Getting It Done — Business Coach Training

Social Media 101, Video 6: Joining In — Business Coach Training

Good morning, team! Here’s Video 6 of our business coach training series on Social Media Marketing by Certified Coaches’ Coach Simon Meadows. Simon banks more than $20,000 USD per month and generates 78% of his leads from social media. In this seven-part business coach training series, Simon shows you exactly how he has developed his LinkedIn and Facebook accounts into his primary lead-generation strategy costing him just $350 per month and 3 hours per week.

In Video 6, Simon shows you how to pick your strongest hot button and start a conversation on your timeline or in a group, choose a tool to engage with social media, use the tool to have 1 conversation per day with your best prospects. You can’t afford to skip this training!

Remember, you can watch the entire 7-part course right now if you’re already a member of Coaches’ Coach — just log into our members only site from our home page. If you’re not a member yet, just enroll in a FREE 30 Day Trial of the Coaches’ Coach members only site. You’ll get access to our complete business coaching system, including customizable marketing campaigns, sales scripts, client training materials, business optimization modules, and more. Get your FREE 30-day trial here.

One of our members recently closed $1,500 in recurring monthly revenue after just 3 days with our system…think what that could mean for YOUR business!