How to Become a Business Coach? Never, Ever Give Up!

How to Become a Business Coach? Never, Ever Give Up!

When I think of how to become a business coach, I always go back to the wisdom of Thomas Edison.

Thomas Edison was once told “he was too stupid to learn anything,” but he didn’t let that stop him. He went on to become one of the greatest inventors of all time. But before he became a household name, he had more than 1000 failed attempts at creating a working light bulb.

Behind every successful story there is an embarrassing first effort, a stumble, or a setback. But it’s through these first clumsy steps that we learn everything we need to know in order to succeed.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a business. Allow me to share with you my rocky journey to success…

Once I realized I had to get serious about sales to have a viable coaching business, I began each morning on my back porch, pacing. I prayed like crazy for new clients, crying out to God for help. Literally.

But I didn’t just pray.

I poured my heart, soul, and cash into growing my business.

Back then, the franchise I was with made new coaches escrow $5,000 into a designated account to invest in marketing to get the business started. It was all the money I had left in the world, and I put it to work.

In the first couple months I tested every single type of marketing you can think of.

And at the end of 4 solid months of this, what do you think I had to show for it?

ZERO. Zilch. Nada.

Well, actually, that’s not true. I had a notebook full of “lessons learned.”

Like, which approaches seemed to get the warmest responses…what NOT to say when prospecting and closing (thanks to 20 painfully unsuccessful face-to-face sales meetings!)…which headlines seemed to pull better than others, and so on.

And finally, in September of 2001, I broke through.

I landed my first client!

Or so I thought…

In the middle of our initial consultation, the client’s accountant stormed in with fire blazing in his eyes. He began interrogating me about my background and competence as a coach. He was obviously protecting his domain, and he came down on me–hard.

It was a humiliating moment.

I wanted to fight back, but the truth was, I had no professional track record. No experience, very little formal training, no success stories to speak of. Heck, I couldn’t even point to my own success in business–because, up to that point, I had nothing on my resume but a big fat bunch of failures!

Needless to say, five minutes later I was out on the street, my head in my hands.

The next day, the client called me on the phone, demanding a full refund, and threatening a lawsuit if I didn’t comply. As painful as it was, I complied. I couldn’t see any other option.

So why am I telling you this?

This was one of the most discouraging moments of my entire life. I’d put in thousands of dollars…MONTHS of effort…hours of struggle and strife…

Just to be kicked out and publicly embarrassed.

To be completely candid, I don’t share this story very often. This was the lowest of the lows. It was the closest I ever came to throwing in the towel. It’s a moment I try very hard not to think about–even to this day.

But I’m telling you now so that you understand: I know EXACTLY what it feels like to fail.

To stare in the face of a tremendous challenge, give it your all, and still come up short.

I’ve been there. And it totally sucks.

When it happened to me, I had a huge decision to make.

I could retreat with my tail between my legs, shell-shocked and angry, humiliated that I’d even attempted something so far out of my comfort zone…

OR, I could suck it up.

Pick myself up, dust myself off, and try again.

Since you’re reading this right now, I think you can guess what I picked.

You see, that decision to stick with it was a major turning point for me. It infused me with a sense of focus and resolve I’d never experienced before. And less than a month later, I closed four sales in a row and banked my first $10,000 month…I was on my way to building a $1 Million business coaching practice in 4 short years.

How close are you to that breakthrough?

The truth is, the mere fact that you’ve sought out expert information means you’re closer than you were yesterday. And by implementing just a few of the strategies I’m about to show you, your breakthrough could literally be right around the corner.

But if you quit, you’ll never know.

You have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to build a meaningful business and make a real difference in your life, your clients’ businesses, and in the lifestyle of your family. They’re all counting on you.

Don’t squander it.

Your big breakthrough is just around the corner.

You can take the bull by the horns and be the winner you know you were always meant to be.

My decision to never, ever give up was pivotal to my success…and it paved the way for the next of my incredible discoveries…

Who knows what great discoveries of your own are right over the next hurdle. How to become a business coach? Don’t be a quitter, quitters never win. Instead, be a failure. Fail, then keep going.

So tell me, what pops out most to you? What step (or steps) can you use in your business to see the most benefit? Tell me in the comments below. I want to hear from YOU!

Follow my journey and grab some of my best kept secrets to success. It’s all available in my ebook Secrets Of A Business Coaching Rock Star. Download now, it’s free!

The “Mother of Career Coaching” On How to Become a Business Coach

The “Mother of Career Coaching” On How to Become a Business Coach

Have you ever been surprised by a “chance” opportunity to hang out with someone amazing and cool? Just recently this happened to me.

A mutual friend introduced me to Susan Whitcomb, founder and CEO of The Academies, Inc. Susan has been dubbed the “Mother of Career Coaching” and has been in the coaching business for over 13 years. She’s been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and U.S. News & World Report as an expert in the coaching business, but we had never met.

I agreed to an interview with Susan and was stunned by the experience. It turned into a discussion with the“Mother of Career Coaching” on how to become a business coach. Susan is a VERY gifted interviewer – so warm… kind… affirming. In that 1 hour interview, she brought insights out of me that I had no idea were there!

Listen to the interview HERE:

Here are some of the things we covered that I think you’ll love:

1.    How to find your own “why” – the motivation to begin and stick with the process of growing your business coaching business…

2.    The 2 most important things for new and aspiring coaches to get right when launching a coaching business: (1) Proper Preparation and (2) Mastering Your Craft and how to get these 2 things right…

3.    How you make it through the start-up phase of your coaching business if you’re cash-tight and under-funded. A couple go-to strategies you can use to generate cash quickly by landing new coaching clients…

4.    The difference between winners and losers in the business of business coaching and how to make sure you’re doing what winners do each and every day… (-:

5.    How to use the business coaching biz-dev formula (250-50-10-2) to methodically and predictably land clients…

Over the last 13 years as a thought-leader and pioneer in the business coaching industry, I’ve done dozens, if not 100’s of interviews like this, but this is easily one of my favorites. Value-packed, warm, and very encouraging…

Listen to the interview HERE:



P.S. At the very end of this interview, I made a super-special offer to Susan’s group worth $4,000 including some of my very best video training courses on digital marketing, overcoming sales objections, etc. If you want any of these courses, just let me know and we’ll hook you up!

How to Become a Business Coach: Turn Your Liabilities Into Assets

How to Become a Business Coach: Turn Your Liabilities Into Assets

Like many new business coaches, the biggest challenge I faced was overcoming the head trash plaguing my daily thought life.

You know what I’m talking about: that little voice in the back of your mind that keeps whispering: you can’t do this…what are you thinking?…of course no one wants to do business with you…you NEVER should have taken this risk…and so on.

It’s debilitating.

After all, in the immortal words of Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t…you are right.”

Success begins in one place: your own mind. Wanna know how to become a business coach? It’s all about winning this battle.

Ever see someone with sloppy, subpar results? It’s because they’ve got sloppy, subpar thoughts floating around in their mind.

Ever see someone with stellar, focused, organized results and wonder how they got there? It’s because they’ve trained themselves to think stellar, focused, organized thoughts first.

This isn’t another pitch for fluffy, feel-good “positive thinking.” Vague, happy thoughts don’t get you anywhere, either.

But you simply can’t get around the undeniable truth that SPECIFIC RESULTS require SPECIFIC THOUGHTS.

Ask anyone who has ever built something of real, lasting value. Do you think they just haphazardly threw something together and hoped for the best? Or did it take precise planning, specific action, and focused resolve?

Did Michelangelo wake up one morning and just kinda-sorta chisel a little bit here and there off a block of marble to create the David?

Did monkeys pounding on a typewriter produce the Complete Works of William Shakespeare?  Then why do you think you can do the same thing in your business and be okay?

I’ll say it again: THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT secret to success is this…

It’s not what you do…it’s HOW you think.

So if you’re not getting the results you want, it’s because you’re not thinking the right kinds of thoughts.

The solution … FIRST, turn your liabilities into assets!

Just what do I mean by that?

I mean change the way you think! Recognize that what seems to you right now to be a big problem can actually be a BLESSING IN DISGUISE, if you view it correctly.

Below is a table I created to help eliminate negative self-talk and set myself up for success. Why don’t you do the same with your self-proclaimed liabilities? Go ahead! Do it now! Turn your attitude around and then enjoy the incredible results!

tccblog resized 600

NEXT, go to people who have been there, done that–and done it well.

Talk to experts in your field (you’ve already made that step when you connected with The Coaches Coach — congratulations!).

Want to learn from the masters who have gone before you. Sign up today for your FREE Cash and Clients Strategy Session.

The Rock Star Selling System: Business Coach Training

The Rock Star Selling System: Business Coach Training

By Alan Sartain

Do you have all the clients you need? If you are like most business coaches, the answer is no!

I’d like to introduce you to the business coach training secret that has enabled me to constantly book between $20,000 and $35,000 in client revenue per month for the last 8 years … The Rock Star Selling System.

I was first introduced to the Rock Star selling system in 2005 at a boot camp run by Eric Dombach and Michael Cody.  Before I get to the selling system, let me first set up the situation.  I had been business coach for a couple of years.  By most standards, I was doing reasonably well.  For me however, I was bringing in less that I needed to pay all of my bills.  I needed more clients and I needed them fast.

I took my last available cash and invested in the boot camp.  I had just run a seminar and booked a complementary coaching session (CCS) for the week after the boot camp.  I packed up my car, drove to Ohio, stayed with a friend and discovered a secret that turned my business coaching hobby into a profitable, successful business.

When I returned, I used the selling system on the CCS I had booked.  It worked great, I signed the client for more than double the revenue that I had anticipated and away I went.  That client is still with me today and has paid me $307,925.50 to date and still counting.

Over the next few weeks, I will give you a guided tour through the system and tell you exactly how I used the system to build my business.

So what is this Rock Star Selling System?

Just like in rock music, the system is broken down into a series of riffs:

Hot Riff 1: Turn Your Liabilities Into Assets in Your Own Mind
Hot Riff 2: Never, Never, Never, Never Give Up
Hot Riff 3: The Unlimited Marketing Budget
Hot Riff 5: Plan to Succeed
Hot Riff 6: The SYSTEM: An Overview
Hot Riff 7: Building Your Lead Generation Machine
Hot Riff 8: The Silver Bullet Call
Hot Riff 9: Overcoming Objections
Hot Riff 10: The Complimentary Coaching Session
Hot Riff 11: The Profit Equation
Hot Riff 12: Create Raving Fans
Hot Riff 13: Systematize Everything and Build a Firm
Hot Riff 14: Enjoy the Payoff

I am looking forward to sharing my experience with you but if you can’t wait, download Eric’s eBook Secrets Of A Business Coaching Rock Star.


Conversion Rate Increased by 150%, Clients Increased by 300% Within Six Months!

Conversion Rate Increased by 150%, Clients Increased by 300% Within Six Months!

I initially struggled to maintain my income from my business coaching practice. My business coaching system and processes for gaining and retaining clients were mediocre at best. I could easily deliver the coaching content but a sales management system was missing. I tried many of the usual books and processes but my business was just scraping by. I was introduced to Eric Dombach at My Coaches Coach. After my complimentary call with I could see that Eric Dombach could be the solution to my sticking point. I spoke to a couple of his current clients and following their great testimonials I signed up to the programme. What a difference this has made! My income growth has amazed me. The systems, templates etc that are provided along with the weekly coaching sessions have leap frogged me over my competitors. My retention of clients is now an average of 18months and the spend per client is not more than double what it was six months ago. Eric Dombach has helped me access other resources, such as telesales etc., to become more automated in my delivery and to deliver more than just time to my clients, it is now a complete programme! The 17 P’s process has provided better qualified prospects, to leads to complimentary coaching sessions to new clients. My conversion rate has increased by 150%! My client numbers have increased by 300%! All within six months! Every coach needs a Great Coach! I certainly recommend taking a look at the MyCoachesCoach website and book a call with Eric Dombach. Let me know how you get on.

Simon Meadows, Business Coach, England